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Egely is a public institution run by The Region of Southern Denmark. We are located on the island of Fyn in Nørre Åby. Egely is one of 8 Danish institutions dealing with young offenders between the age of 10 and 17, who are mainly in custody awaiting trial.

The greater majority of the young inmates are remanded in Egely under a direction issued by the court.

Young people under the age of 18 without a legal residence permit in Denmark, can be temporarily remanded in custody in Egely.

In addition to these remandings, Egely offers accomodation for teenagers, who for some reason are unable or simply forbidden to live at home for at period of time.

Contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions or if you need information about the institution or its purpose.

Call us on +45 9944 2100 or mail to